
Full Spectrum

full spectrum

Full Spectrum light in the context of plant cultivation refers to a light source that provides a wide spectrum of light that replicates the natural conditions of the sun. This includes all shades of the visible spectrum, such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple light.

Full Spectrum light has an important contribution to plant cultivation as it plays a critical role in photosynthesis and plant growth. Each color shade of the spectrum has a different effect on plant physiology. For example, red and blue light are essential for photosynthesis and plant growth, while green light is not absorbed as efficiently.

Growers use LED light in indoor plant cultivation, such as growing hydroponic plants or growing with LED lights. By using Full Spectrum light, balanced growth and increased plant production is achieved.

In summary, Full Spectrum light in plant cultivation refers to a light source that provides all shades of the visible spectrum. This is important for photosynthesis, growth and plant production, making it ideal for indoor growing and phytochemical production.

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