
Kit ELT + Hps Superplant Agro 400W – 600W


Kit ELT Hps Superplant Agro 400W – 600W

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Kit ELT + Hps Superplant Agro 400W - 600WKit ELT + Hps Superplant Agro 400W - 600W

Kit ELT + Hps Superplant Agro 400W - 600WKit ELT + Hps Superplant Agro 400W - 600W

Kit ELT + Hps Superplant Agro 400W - 600W

Kit ELT Hps Superplant Agro 400W – 600W

Jinkludi ballast magneti ELT ta ‘400W jew 600W, riflettores ta’ stukka ta ’40V, u lamp Superplant Agro Hps ta’ 400W jew 600W adattata għall-ħajja sħiħa tal-pjanta kollha.

Mgħażel bl-ġews ta ‘2m, lest għall-użu.

Growshop Organiku

Additional information

Weight 1 kg




Tip ta' Riflettor

Tip ta' Ballast

Kumpanija tal-Lampi

Produttur tal-Ballast

Tip ta' Lampa

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Kit ELT Hps Superplant Agro 400W – 600W

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Kit ELT + Hps Superplant Agro 400W - 600WKit ELT + Hps Superplant Agro 400W - 600W

Kit ELT + Hps Superplant Agro 400W - 600WKit ELT + Hps Superplant Agro 400W - 600W

Kit ELT + Hps Superplant Agro 400W - 600W


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